Every day, we’re bombarded with news stories about the A&D industry responding to the coronavirus. Some of it is good news. Some of it, not so much. So to help you sift through all the developments from all over the world, ADR has put together a weekly update. It’ll be online every Friday afternoon, or in this case, Thursday afternoon.
In this week’s update, we share news of a design competition, free business and marketing support for architects and designers and the passing of an Italian furniture icon.
Dowel Jones launches Design From Home
The Melbourne design studio is inviting everyone – designer or not – to share their designs for furniture, accessories and more, with a chance to win $1000 and see their project realised in the next Dowel Jones collection. Read more on ADR >
Bompas & Parr forecasts post-coronavirus trends
The studio behind the hand sanitiser competition, has predicted design and lifestyle trends that will emerge during and after coronavirus, including sanitiser sculptures and museums dedicated to memoirs. Read more on Dezeen >
University of Queensland designs origami face masks
The university has teamed up with the University of Cambridge to design HappyShield, an origami face shield. Unlike other designs, a 3D printer is not required. Any clear sheet material can be tailored to the template, which can be cut with a press and laser cutter and then combined with a piece of elastic to create a face shield. Read more on Happy Shield >
Samsung launches $20,000 design competition
Samsung has launched a global competition with a total prize pool of $20,000. The brief is to design innovative new objects for the home that can be made by repurposing cardboard packaging. Read more on Dezeen >
Virtual summit to support businesses affected by COVID-19
Melbourne City Council will be running a virtual summit for businesses to share their stories on the financial, operational, legal and social impacts of COVID-19, and hear advice from experts on what support is available. The summit will be live-streamed between 10am and 12.30pm on 16 April. Read more on the Melbourne City website >
Watch our Working from Home series
Last week, ADR launched an ongoing video series where architects and designers from around the world share their home offices, messages of hope and advice for staying connected and working from home. In the first collection of videos, we heard from principals like Matthews+Scavalli’s Sally Matthews. In this week’s collection, we hear from Unispace’s Angela Ferguson and more. Read more on ADR >
Brazilian architect creates remote working forum
The Remote Architects Club is a forum for architects to share their remote working strategies and support one another as they decamp their offices. Read more on ADR >
US designer reimagines coronavirus-appropriate public street signs
Cannon Design creative director Dylan Coonrad has reimagined 10 street signs, road markings and building notices around New York City to advise the public on how to stay safe and healthy during the coronavirus outbreak. They include one that reimagines a fire extinguisher sign as a warning not to hoard hand sanitiser and another that places a face mask on the entrance sign for Central Park. Read more on Coonrad’s Instagram >
Free business development and marketing consultations for architects and designers
Lindy Johnson Creative is offering free business development and marketing consultations for the Australian A&D community during the COVID-19 crisis. It will provide helpful tips on how to sensitively communicate with current and potential clients, promote work and secure a pipeline to new work. You can book a free consultation online >
Dyson creates engineering challenges for children
Dyson has designed 44 engineering challenges for kids stuck in lockdown, including making an egg fit into a bottle without breaking it, creating a colourful underwater volcano and making a bridge with spaghetti. Read more on the Dyson website >
Virtually tour Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic buildings
#WrightVirtualVisits will give you a peek into 12 Lloyd-designed properties including Fallingwater, Hollyhock House and Taliesin West. The virtual tours started on 2 April and will continue for 12 weeks, with a new property shared every Thursday. Read more on the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy website >
Make Architects combats loneliness in design
Research from Make Architects into the relationship between our built environment and loneliness achieves new salience in the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more on ADR >
The A&D community share challenges of working from home
We asked Australian architects and designers to share their WFH challenges and some advice for overcoming them, whether it be dealing with distraction or increasing productivity through apps, meditation and scheduled catch-ups. Read more on ADR >
Luigi Feltrin passes from coronavirus complications
The founder of Italian furniture brand Arper has passed away aged 85 after contracting coronavirus near Venice. Read more on Disegno Daily >
Keep up with developments by following ADR’s coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.
Lead photo: One of Dylan Coonrad’s street signs.