Above: Metropolitan Golf Club. Specifier: SJB Architects.
Demand has increased for architectural finishes that offer more than just good looks.
In response, materials used to improve the decorative quality of a space are being further developed to support creative, functional and efficient design.
City of Perth Library. Specifier: Kerry Hill Architects. Photo by Francis Andrijich Photographer, curtesy of City of Perth.
Acoustic treatments are gaining attention as poor auditory conditions have been identified for their detrimental effect on the comfort and amenity of a space. Communication and productivity can be affected when reverberation and noise are not addressed, undermining the function of a room.
Acoustic treatments are vital in public spaces such as libraries, in educational facilities and hospitality venues, though previous solutions haven’t always been attractive or easy to incorporate into the design.
Screenwood offers acoustically rated linings in the form of pre-fabricated linear timber modules and ceiling tiles. Versatile and timeless, Screenwood is available with acoustic backings to effectively support the performance of a space without compromising on design.
Available in a range of PEFC Certified timbers and wide selection of profiles, Screenwood is made to order and designed for ease of installation by any qualified builder.