Earlier this month, leaders in hormetic therapy, Found—Space, launched their Nu-A Collection, a revolutionary range of state-of-the-art saunas. Melbourne designed, the Nu-A Collection combines exquisite design with superior functionality. This is the second product in the new wellness ecosystem, having already launched the Found—Space Ice Bath, the range allows the user to control the tech […]
Following increased research into the impacts of light pollution, ‘dark sky’ advocates from mainly electrical engineering and climate science fields are strongly encouraging architects to limit reliance on artificial night lights when designing spaces. The implications of light pollution include the disruption to the breeding and migratory routines of nocturnal animals, the depletion of melatonin […]
With manufacturing in Australia in decline, it is increasingly difficult for young designers to see their concepts through to completion. But an innovative new concept called Space Tank Studio is helping designers, artists and product developers turn their ideas into reality. We spoke to the man spearheading the project, Holger Dielenberg. Australian Design Review: Can […]