The December/January issue of inside magazine is on newsstands now and includes all the projects awarded at the Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2022. This year was no less than a milestone for IDEA, as 2022 marks the awards’ 20th anniversary. As time gently flows, the architectural and design landscape also metamorphoses and divides into new […]
Architect, interior designer, author and plant curator, Jason Chongue is guided by the philosophy to ‘elevate what it means to be a gardener’. Owner of The Plant Society, a nursery/social network, Chongue combines his nose for business with his green thumb to tap into the burgeoning market of plant styling and curation. For Chongue, gardening […]
Clémence Carayol joins the team at Niche as the online editor of Australian Design Review and the new editor of Niche’s flagship interior design publication, inside. Born in France but now based in Australia, Carayol traded Paris for Melbourne during the COVID-19 pandemic in January 2021. Passionate about design and “all the pleasures of life”, Carayol is excited […]
In accepting the MPavilion 2022 design commission, Bangkok’s all(zone) forges permanence in favour of lightness, sustainability and, above all, joy. “I always wonder why if it’s sustainable, it has to be brown,” Rachaporn Choochuey says from the office of her Bangkok studio. “We live in a world where material scientists are doing incredible things with […]