Time’s up on standing still and Shaw Contract is ready to walk forward with purpose and optimism. Designing products that create a better, fairer future is the heart of Shaw Contract. As a human-centric, people-powered organisation, Shaw Contract is actively designing solutions with their customers in the areas of Material Health, Circularity, Carbon, and Diversity, […]
With a life-long career dedicated to designing carpets, there’s not much Deb Ryan, design manager at Modieus, doesn’t know about producing quality, bespoke solutions. ADR chats to Ryan about her background, design process and inspiration. ADR: How did you get your start in the design industry? Deb Ryan: I started out at 17 when I […]
With a combined 130 years of experience, the team at Modieus truly know what it means to create beautifully designed quality carpets and rugs for the commercial flooring market. Founded in 2015 by Xander Okhuizen, an enterprising Dutchman with over 25 years’ experience in the commercial flooring industry, Modieus is now taking the Australian market […]
We talk to Marcy Ewing, the global studio design director at Shaw Contract, to find out what it takes to design for such a niche field – carpet.