Seeking a generous family home complete with an integrated landscape and pool, the clients for Raven house asked Bijl Architecture to design a house that engaged with its streetscape. Bijl Architecture is a Sydney-based practice that seeks to challenge the status quo. The studio is led by director and principal architect Melonie Bayl-Smith. Located in […]
A track-based copper work table is at the heart of this thought experiment by Bijl Architecture, which unites the kitchen and garden in a cramped Australian suburban block. Designed through HouseLab’s digital platform ConceptSpaces, the kitchen is part of a series of design challenges presented to Australian designers, asking them to redefine the traditional spaces […]
Bijl means ‘axe’ in Dutch, a tool used to cut, shape and create, metaphorically fitting the practice of architecture perfectly. Founder Melonie Bayl-Smith speaks to Penny Craswell for MEZZANINE, elaborating on Bijl Architecture's distinctive, award-winning approach.
Perched on a steep site with challenging access but extensive views and aspect, this project by Bijl Architecture involved substantial alterations and additions to a partly renovated red-brick 1950s home in Collaroy, Sydney.