A quiet achiever, the online marketplace Fiverr has been operating in Australia for over five years, connecting local architects and designers with skilled on-demand freelance talent. Offering digital services in more than 500 categories, across 10 verticals including graphic and product design, digital marketing, programming, data, video and animation, Fiverr is one of the world’s largest freelance marketplaces. Launched in […]
Actively involving and mentoring emerging architects creates a more “unified industry,” says Sydney architect Eva-Marie Prineas. Speaking to ADR recently, Prineas says established architects and the industry both have a role to play in providing graduates with more opportunities to develop their skills. “I think you lead by example. In my own practice, I have […]
"Often it's the little detail here or concept there; that cool idea you got the client to agree to, that component or part of the programme that brings a sense of play, something that makes you stop and say, 'Cool'." ADR meets Kurt Crisp and Peter Ahern, co-founders and directors of buck&simple. The pair discusses how details can make a project, taking risky, but great leaps, and the thrill of being free of plans.
Even architects are not impervious to the changing needs of a family, as Liam Proberts of Brisbane architecture studio bureau^proberts explains to MEZZANINE. The father of three recently designed a project that hits close to home – an abode for his own family.