There are ample opportunities for Australian design entities to weave their magic in Asia, but those seeking success by emulating their local business model may leave disappointed. Earlier this year the University of Sydney School of Architecture staged a congenial exhibition called Fusion of Horizons. Consisting of private letters, diary entries, ethnographic research and an array […]
Entering a design competition is hard work, but capture the public’s imagination and you will be rewarded. Winning one can transform an emerging firm or revitalise an established practice. Competitions represent the currency of talent in architecture. We all live in a world where talent defines not just our professional successes but our competitiveness as nations. For a […]
We need to understand what keeps architects awake at night and why we love this profession! How can we ensure it remains relevant and vibrant? What are the issues facing architecture and the construction industry, and how can we support each other as we face the future? Is life getting more difficult, and how do we […]
For co-directors Josh Crossin and Sarah Lindsay, LXN Architecture isn’t the duo’s first foray into opening their own practice. Here, they tell AR about having a “second crack” at establishing a studio and doing it “properly”. While Josh Crossin and Sarah Lindsay were both born and raised in Tasmania, the pair had quite different backgrounds. […]